
Tuesday 28 February 2012

Purple Basil, Uni & Burgers...Oh My!

So, I couldn't get my hair light enough to dye pink. But I'm not giving up hope yet. I didn't want to bleach it anymore, for fear of losing all my hair. So, I've settled for a nice reddy/plum colour to tide me over. I'm going to actually visit a hair salon (shock! horror!) and get it lightened gradually, so as not to ruin my hair. But, the black is gone. I miss it. I tend to do this. I get fed up with black, go through the process of removing it, then instantly want it back again. 

I've had a few days off from work, and all the things that I had planned to do, didn't happen. (oh well) I did plant the few plants that the boy and I bought last weekend. We got purple basil (I'm thinking purple pesto), Coriander, Chives, Shallots, lots of varieties of Chilli's, and a passionfruit vine. Hopefully, I manage to keep these alive (I'm terribly good and not keeping plants alive)

I also started the task of sorting everything out. I bought a new file (yay!) and started with the pile of papers that have been building up. It's not much, but it's a start, I also sprayed weed killer over the entire back garden, so everything is dying, and it nearly ready for Super-Dad to come round and help me pull it all out. 

It was the boy's first day at Uni yesterday, and seeing as I had the day off, our friend and I drove him in and walked him to class. After having to park on the other side of campus, and had a nice wander over to his lecture room. Luckily, my little brother is on the same campus, and so we met up with him at the Uni Tav to have a drink. 

It's such a lovely fun atmosphere on campus, and I don't doubt that the boy is going to have fun there. To celebrate (and because I was starving) we stopped in at our local pub on the way home, and I ate this delicious burger

While I have been focusing on 'The List of Goodness' I have been neglecting my cooking and baking, and while I did make a delicious chicken Caesar Salad on the weekend, that's about all I did. I promise, promise, promise I will do some baking soon, and get some more of those posts underway.

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