
Friday 13 January 2012

Cinnamon Scrolls

Every Friday afternoon we have a team meeting at work, and we've decided to take it in turns to 'cater' the meetings. It was my turn this week, and I though it would be a great excuse to make my cinnamon scrolls. These are so simple to make, make your entire house smell like cinnamon while they are baking, and are totally yummy.

Ingredients for the scrolls

90g unsalted butter
2 cups self raising flour
pinch of salt
2/3 cup of milk

Ingredients for the filling

120g unsalted butter
4 tbs brown sugar
2 tsp cinnamon

Ingredients for the icing

1 cup icing sugar
1 tbs water (give or take)


Preheat the oven to 200C. Mix the butter, flour, salt & milk together with your hands until it forms a dough. Once the mixture has all come together, and there are no butter lumps, transfer the dough to a lightly floured surface (I think investing in a pastry mat is the best thing I've ever done, it wipes clean to easily, and I just like it more than rolling anything out directly on my bench top.) knead the dough for about a minute,

then roll it out (I also invested in a slate rolling pin, it's heavy, nothing sticks to it, and it's easy to clean) how thick you roll it out, is really up to you, i usually roll it to about 2mm thick rectangle.

Now mix together the butter, sugar and cinnamon until all combined. Slather this mixture all over the dough, so it's nice and covered.

Then roll the dough to form a log

Cut out your scrolls. How many you cut depends on how thick you want them. I usually get about 12 nice sized scrolls. I don't like them too thick, and I think they cook better, and have that nice crunchy outside and moist inside when they are slightly thinner.

Place your scrolls on a tray lined with baking paper, not too close together because they will expand slightly. I bake mine for between 8-12 minutes. I just keep an eye on them, and when whey are browning, and the butter mixture is bubbling, I take them out.

It's really really hard not to eat one as soon as they come out of the oven, after being tormented with the smell of cinnamon while they are baking, but try to wait till they are iced, because it makes them that much more delicious.

Once the scrolls are cool, mix the icing sugar and water together until it's a workable consistency (not too thin) and drizzle (or slather if you are like me) on top of the scrolls.

Now you can eat one!

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